It’s Summer Bridge!

It’s Summer Bridge time again. Just as the temperature is going back up, ArTES is welcoming the Freshman class to get oriented to their new digs. This year will see some big changes. Instead of two weeks, we’ll be going for three weeks and we’ll be including two new teachers: Ms. Naturman (Social Studies) and Mr. Berlin (Math). In addition, Ms. Evans, Mr. Massey, Dr. Ong, Mr. Rauh, and Ms. Conant will be rounding out the Summer Bridge team.

Summer Bridge is a time for the new freshmen to meet each other and get acclimated to the ArTES culture. This year we will be exploring the ArTES motto: Student, Citizen, Artist and how it applies to our incredibly complex and rapidly changing world. Students will be studying current events and producing a piece of art that reflects how they understand the motto.

The freshmen will also be working with our Peer Leaders, lead by our own Mrs. Jaeggi. It’s the first time our PLs are getting together and showing their stuff.
If you’re a reader by nature, you love summer – long days when you can just curl up with a book and read all day. But let’s face it — not all of us are readers. That doesn’t mean you can’t find a few books that might make reading bearable! Remember, when you’re trying to get your MAP scores up in reading — the single best thing you can do is READ! So get to your library, the closest bookstore — wherever and grab a book!

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