Let Me Give You a Hand

“The hand is the invisible part of the brain.” Or so Immanuel Kant says. Palmistry has always been a subject of utter fascination, either from firm believers that palms are truly windows into one’s soul, or by skeptics who believe it is a complete hoax and a simple way to swindle money from the simple-minded. This talent, which I will refer to as an art, has been passed down from generations, and the practice of palm-reading is as old time itself, perhaps even moreso.

Now there are actually a multitude of ways that palms can be read. For example, some palm readers will say that the dominant hand someone uses to write with is the one that should be read, while others have it firmly set in stone that the right hand reflects the outer person, education, and experience, so basically chronologically speaking. The left is more of the inner person, which can reflect creativity and reflexes. Another theory is that the dominant hand is the hand that shows what is being done with one’s life, while the opposite hand is what could be done with one’s life. In this theory, the less used hand represents potential.

Most people do not seem to realize, but as we go through life, our hands will morph and the lines on our hands will deepen or alter their paths, although not abruptly. In regards to the aforementioned theory, it could be because of a change in our lifestyle or choices, although it could also simply be the growing of our skin, as some skeptics would like to believe. There’s even surgeries to change your palm’s lines to change your destiny, such as the one described in “http://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/01/Cosmetic-Surgery-Get-the-Lines-on-Your-Palm-Altered-to-Change-Your-Destiny/#!zDYJY.

As with simply choosing which hand to read, hand shapes play a large part in palmistry, but that can be saved for next time. – Alexia C.

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